Micro enterprise financing

  • Financing is granted to meet the requirements of distinguished members "who have previously received basic or seasonal financing" in involving family members (spouse-child) in improving their living standards and have existing activities that need a large capital for expansion.

Targeted group:

  • Family members of distinguished members (spouse-child).

Features of the financing:

  • The financing period ranges from one to two years.
  • Repayment is on a weekly basis.
  • No collateral is required.
  • Installments are collected in beneficiary villages through the main member.

Financing ceiling:

  • First Financing - SAR 300,000 maximum (USD 560)
  • Second Financing - SAR 500,000 maximum (USD 950)

Financing conditions:

  • Has an existing activity.
  • Good credit reputation.
  • Proof of kinship with the main member.