Financing is granted to distinguished members who have previously received basic financing and have excelled in managing the previous activity and have the desire and ability to expand the activity.
Targeted group:
Distinguished owners of income-generating projects.
Features of the financing:
It has the same characteristics and features as basic financing.
Financing is granted for a period of six months.
The member has the possibility to obtain two financings during the year.
Repayment is on a weekly basis.
Financing ceiling:
Financing Cycle Maximum Financing Ceiling
First Financing (year 2) - YER 120,000 maximum (USD 230)
Second Financing (year 2) - YER 120,000 maximum (USD 230)
Third Financing (year 3) - YER 250,000 maximum (USD 380)
Fourth Financing (year 3) - YER 250,000 maximum (USD 380)
Fifth Financing (year 4) - YER 450,000 maximum (USD 850)
Sixth Financing (year 4) - YER 450,000 maximum (USD 850)
Financing conditions:
Granted to a distinction member who has completed the basic financing cycle.