Continuous community awareness

  • Proceeding from the Foundation’s concern for the advancement of poor families, the Foundation targets weekly awareness campaigns on the importance of pure, clean drinking water, and spreading and introducing the poor to the importance of preserving pure drinking water in accordance with sound practices and in order to avoid exposure to pollution and the gathering of flies, insects and other rodents to make the water pure and safe by storing and handling water properly Right and healthy, which reduces the poor's risk of disease and medical costs, and improves their ability to maintain economic productivity.

Continuous community awareness :

Proceeding from the Foundation’s concern for the advancement of poor families, the Foundation targets weekly awareness campaigns on the importance of pure, clean drinking water, and spreading and introducing the poor to the importance of preserving pure drinking water in accordance with sound practices and in order to avoid exposure to pollution and the gathering of flies, insects and other rodents to make the water pure and safe by storing and handling water properly Right and healthy, which reduces the poor's risk of disease and medical costs, and improves their ability to maintain economic productivity.