Nobin Entrepreneur

  • Easy financing granted to ambitious youth to create job opportunities and reduce the high unemployment rate among youth, and instill the spirit of initiative and entrepreneurship in them to establish their own small projects (we are not job seekers, we are job givers ) to improve the living conditions of family members.

Targeted group:

Ambitious youth, both men and women, to become successful entrepreneurs. Youth who have the necessary skills to establish commercial, industrial, or handicraft businesses? Innovative youth with entrepreneurial ideas.

Features of the financing:

  • Granting of joint capital to enable youth to start or expand their projects.
  • Unlock economic opportunities for youth
  • Transforming unemployment into entrepreneurs.
  • Expanding businesses and creating additional job opportunities for others.
  • Building productive local youth communities that contribute to the development of the national economy.
  • The financing period is not less than 3 months and not more than 2 years.
  • Repayment duration of 50 weeks or it could be monthly basis according to the member's ability.

Financing ceiling:

  • First Financing- YER 500,000 or equivalent (USD 950)
  • Second Financing -YER 800,000 or equivalent (USD 1500)
  • Third Financing -YER 1,200,000 or equivalent (USD 2270)

Financing conditions:

The entrepreneur's age should not exceed 35 years for men and 40 years for women. The activity should be owned by him/her and there should be no partnership in it. The entrepreneur should be honest, hardworking, and dedicated to managing his/her business intelligently. The activity should be environmentally friendly. The entrepreneur should have a valid ID card. The entrepreneur should have a permanent residency in the area.