Development Projects (beneficiaries)
Health Projects
Primary Education
Mass Education
Water Projects
Solar Energy
Livestock Care
National Identity Cards

Grameen Yemen is a local non-profit organization inspired by the concept of microcredit and social businesses of Professor Muhammad Yunus, Nobel Prize laureate. The organization plays an important role in alleviating poverty and improving economic and social conditions in rural areas by replicating the Grameen Bank model in collaboration with the Yunus Center and Grameen Trust in Bangladesh. Grameen Yemen Foundation (GYF) started its fieldwork at the beginning of 2020 to provide financial and developmental services to poor people with low income.

Financial Products

Grameen Yemen Foundation offers a range of financing products that target the poor, especially women in rural areas to improve their living standards and reduce poverty. These products are designed to fund income-generating activities and projects, as well as to build and improve the entrepreneurial capacities of young people.


Number of active members


Cumulative Number of Financings


Outstanding Portfolio


Cumulative Amount of Financings
Financial Products

Grameen Yemen Foundation, in collaboration with technical support from Grameen trust, offers different financial products targeting the poor, especially women in rural areas, to raise the living standards of the targeted group, reduce poverty by financing income-generating activities, as well as entrepreneurial capacity-building initiatives for these families. The financial products include basic financing, seasonal financing, micro enterprise financing, and entrepreneurs financing.

The basic financing

A small financing is granted to rural women with the aim of improving their capabilities

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The basic financing

Seasonal financing

Financing is granted to distinguished members who have previously received basic financing and have excelled in managing the previous activity and have the desire and ability to expand the activity.

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Seasonal financing

Nobin Entrepreneur

Easy financing granted to ambitious youth to create job opportunities and reduce the high unemployment rate among youth, and instill the spirit of initiative and entrepreneurship in them to establish their own small projects (we are not job seekers, we are job givers ) to improve the living conditions of family members.

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Nobin Entrepreneur

Micro enterprise financing

Financing is granted to meet the requirements of distinguished members "who have previously received basic or seasonal financing"

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Micro enterprise financing

Development Projects

In order to reinforce the role and activities of the various Grameen Yemen Foundation initiatives, through which it has launched social and development initiatives that promote a culture of social responsibility, the Foundation has taken the initiative to implement quality projects and interventions to achieve sustainable development goals.

News And Announcements

The most prominent news and announcements from Grameen Yemen


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Main Branch